Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Thing #174: Sliding Rock

For fun in North Georgia people slide down a rock into an icy river. Of course I had to partake in this tradition. Being a cold blooded creature I told myself I would at least go once and I ended up going 7 times down sliding rock! Can't you just feel the excitement...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New Thing #173: Clearest Lake in Georgia

Joe's family rented a pontoon boat and so I was able to go out on Lake Burton all day Saturday! Lake Burton is absolutely beautiful, apparently it is the clearest lake in GA, and it is surrounded by the North Georgia mountains. We had beautiful weather and a lot of fun!

lake burton

Friday, August 29, 2008

New Thing #172: Up to the Mountain

Friday I went for the first time to Joe's family's mountain house at Lake Burton. It was built by his grandfather and is filled with so many memories! I loved the house especially...
being outside and not sweating
the front porch
the table with seats for everyone!
laying in the hammock

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Thing #171: Mix It Up

For graduation from UGA (reminder this was 3 years ago) I received the much coveted Kitchenaid mixer. Due to not having my own apartment since then I never used it. Every time I was home my mom would say "let's just try it to make sure it works." In Lauren fashion I never did. My mom found out that Joe's favorite cake was chocolate pound cake, so she thought "we" should make him a cake. So I finally used my Kitchenaid mixer. Of course it works great and I can't wait to have my own kitchen to use it more frequently!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Thing #170: A REAL Concert

I must agree with my Cousin Marty, I haven't been to many REAL concerts in my life. Thanks to my music loving boyfriend, I think I will be attending many more in my future. We went to the My Morning Jacket concert at the Fox Theater when I was home in August. I must say it was an awesome concert and we had a blast! 
lead singer Jim James
while they played the song The Bear this bear game out, I thought he was hilarious 
goofy concert goers
sweaty after an awesome concert!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Thing #169: Shopping Aversion Therapy

Two situations let to this new thing. One, not being employed for an extending amount of time I have put a shopping embargo on myself, not being allowed to purchase anything, other than the necessities until I receive a pay check. Secondly, said unemployment leads to watching multiple What Not To Wear episodes. Every time I watch that show I am amazed at how they spend $5,000, obviously depending on the store would make it easier or harder. I decided to compile an online shopping cart worth $5,000. I chose my two favorite stores, Ann Taylor Loft and Banana Republic, and while it was liberating to choose everything and anything in the stores that I wanted, it was exhausting! Obviously I would choose more stores if I were on the show, hint hint to my friends to nominate me :), but I think my desire to shop has been cured for a while. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Thing #168: Eucalyptus

To overcome my asthma and allergies acting up I decided to use eucalyptus oil that my mom had. According to wikipedia it is a natural anti-inflammatory and decongestant. It worked quite well and I can understand why koalas munch on it all the time!

New Thing #167: BUG off!

On my trip to Bass Pro Shop I purchased a fly gun. This wonderful contraption was introduced to me by Catherine whom I spent a week at the beach with. I was so excited when I was presented with the opportunity to use my fly gun! I was skeptical at first, but this nifty invention was well worth it. It really does work better than a fly swatter and was well worth $3!
the gun
the exterminator and her side kick 'bug'

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Thing #166: Augusta

A few Saturday's ago Joe and I travelled to Augusta for my friend Erin's wedding. The church, First Presbyterian was beautiful and the food was delicious with dancing to finish the night off!
my summer wedding dress and previously mentioned awesome shoes
the best surprise of the night, Jennifer!
I love these girls!

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Thing #165: Trader Joe's

This new thing might have just been my favorite overall. On a trip downtown Atlanta Erin, we decided to make a stop at Trader Joe's. Although I had partaken in the wonderfulness that are the products from Trader Joe's, I had never been there. Let me just tell you, I could spend hours in this store! I am only sad we don't have them here in New Orleans. The trip included 2 Buck Chuck, Horny Goat Wheat Beer (trust me it's good), dark chocolate, lemon pepper pasta, and drumroll lilies! A very amusing story, apparently if it is your first time you get a free gift :) I chose some beautiful lilies and Erin got dark chocolate for brining me! Trader Joe's we love you!
me with said lilies and my awesome reusable bag
apparently you can't take pictures inside a grocery store so a nice man outside succumbed to our whim and took our picture :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Thing #164: Yearbook Yourself!

I must give credit to my dear cousin Marty who introduced me to this via her facebook profile picture. I must say that it was quite entertaining and anyone looking for effective procrastination tools should check it out. Yearbook yourself!

1954--my glasses were a little off that day
1966--probably the most realistic
1972--same haircut I just flipped my hair out that day and tilted my head. great styles never change.
1984--if only this were still in style I would be cool because of the New Orleans humidity
1996--I think I would have been BFF with Kelly Kapowski

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Thing #163: Sweet Melissa

This new thing should fall under the category of "Lauren trying to be more adventurous." One of Joe's friends lives near the Ocmulgee River in Macon. Somehow a more than uneventful night downtown ended up swimming in the Ocmulgee River at midnight. Apparently the place where we swam was near the old Allman Brothers property. I'm sure I'm supposed to know some song they sang about it, but I don't, Sweet Melissa being the only song I could remember, hence the title. Obviously, since I don't have a cool water camera like Erin, I will have to leave you with an Allman Brothers play bill from Macon.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Thing #162: Funny Name. Serious Sandwich and Internet Apparently

On the way back from Kentucky I was stressed about some things I needed to do online and wouldn't have time. Well lo and behold, when we stopped in Dalton for lunch at Schlotzsky's on the sign outside were the words "Free Wi-Fi." To the embarrassment of my travel mates I brought my laptop inside and set up my office. I don't know why it was strange to use my computer and free wi-fi in Schlotzsky's for the first time, but it was. I mean this isn't a coffee shop, there wasn't other studying going on. I was definitely the only one taking advantage of this amenity. Oh the 21st century, next we will be rating fine dining not on the food but on the internet access!
photo booth pic

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Thing #161: Fewtrell

When I was at Nana's she allowed me to read the book Origins of Surname Futrell. I had always been told that our last name was French or English but never took the time to figure it out. It turns out, our Futrell, is a variant of the English surname Fewtrell which may have been a derivative of the French "Vautrel", which means a hunter. If we are not hunters we maybe have been "fewterers" or dogholders, a modern day dog walker if you will. It was interesting learning the history of my name and my heritage. Also in case you wondered, we descended from Hansel Futrell who moved from Northampton County, North Carolina to Trigg Country, Kentucky in 1799. A few great great grandchildren later and you have my grandfather. I'm so thankful for my grandmother and all the she has to teach me!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Thing #160: My Old Kentucky Home

My grandmother's farm is probably my favorite place in the world. It is filled with memories of childhood, family, laughter, and adventure! One of my favorite things to do is go to the creek behind her house. I spent HOURS, probably DAYS if you add it up here as a child searching for arrowheads and rocks in the shape of anything you can imagine. I have never been able to share this place with anyone until now! For the first time, I introduced an outsider (other than a Futrell) to the creek! It was a fun Sunday filled with church, lunch at the lodge, and a perfect trip to the creek, where I still brought back pocket-fulls of rocks as I did as a child.

Sadly I had to carry rocks and there was no room for a camera, but here are some obligatory pictures from the lodge: 
sibling love
sweet nana

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Thing #159: Nu Stripz

Okay, okay I promise this is the last Chick-Fil-A menu item I will count as new, but this picture warranted this being counted as a blog post. In route to Kentucky, we stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. I decided to order the new chicken strips. We think they're #1!

Friday, August 15, 2008

New Thing #158: Fish Kiss

Joe and I went fishing with his nephew Jack last Friday in Macon. Here are the results of our trip!
Jack wins for catching the biggest fish
I win for learning how to cast a line and catching the most fish
and for kissing a fish for the first time

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Thing #157: Bass Squared

I've been wanting to go to a Bass Pro Shop for a while but never got around to it. Last Thursday in Macon, I got my chance, I went to Bass Pro Shop on Bass Road. I completely underestimated this store! They have a great selection of camping and outdoor gear and I purchased my fly gun which I can't wait to use...more about said gun in a later blog.
daniel boone I mean joe
fish friends
bass in the bass pro shop on bass road
yes I made joe take this picture

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Thing #156: Home Town Cuisine

As several of my new things I am enjoying trying new restaurants. I also like trying new restaurants that are characteristic to specific towns. When I arrived in Macon, I went with Joe and his family to S & S Cafeteria. Now, if you know me but at all, you know I'm not a fan of buffets but this one was good! All the fried okra, greens, and mashed potatoes I could want. I could have even had mellow yellow jello like Marion but I opted out :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Thing #155: Catch A Falling Star

While we were at the beach it was prime viewing for the Perseids meteor shower. The best time to view it was between the hours of 2am and 5 am so some of us stayed up, others including myself went to sleep and woke up at 3:30am. Supposedly there would be up to 2 each minute, we only saw 6 or 7 in the 15 minutes we were out there but it was fun watching my first meteor shower on the beach!
photo courtesy of nasa

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Thing #154: Bumper Buddies

Once upon a time Frances had a great uncle or something who had a bar, Doc's Bar to be exact. We decided that our T-Club vacation would not be complete without a visit to Doc's Bar and to my surprise I learned how to play bumper pool. A fun night with fun people!

my teacher
the whole bumper pool team
we love doc's!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Thing #153: White Wedding

An must when you are on Tybee is a sno-cone from Seaweeds. I decided to venture out a try a new flavor a wedding cake sno cone, i.e. icing flavored ice. There are much better pictures but they wouldn't load hopefully they will later!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Thing #152: Good Directions and Good Sweet Tea

The beginning of T-Club with 5 of the coolest people ever began with dinner at AJ's by the Dock. Fun was had by all, along with Billy Currington who was there for a private party!
frightened, excited, and confused about being at AJ's
no idea

Friday, August 8, 2008

New Thing #151: What'll ya have?

I've been to the Varsity dozens of times, but for the first time I went to the drive-in at the Varsity. Joe and I took his niece to the aquarium we decided that the Varsity was the perfect end to our Atlanta day. Because she was asleep we enjoyed our FO's and onion rings with car window service and the humorous banter of our waiter! Sadly no Varsity pics, but some fun ones from the aquarium...

clary and the big fishes!
sweet uncle joe