Wednesday, October 16, 2013

monday meals...on wednesday

i love recipes. it obviously stems from my love from nutrition (and also my perfectionist tendencies) but i almost NEVER make anything without one. it drives my free spirited husband crazy but it gives me order and comfort. i love cookbooks and have about a thousand recipes saved in a gmail folder to make but really no time when it comes down to it make them.

we have been extremely blessed since baby girl was born with meals from friends, family, and our freezer has been stocked for weeks. i can't even explain how much this has blessed us. this break from cooking has renewed my desire to cook, on the random day that i have the time of course.

well, yesterday was that day. i saw this recipe for thai turkey lettuce wraps on jones design company one of my favorite blogs to read and i knew i had to make it. i also could not get butternut squash soup out of my mind since it was below 80 for a whole 3 days last week. but those things didn't really go together to me, which isn't a problem but i was planning on serving this meal to friends and felt like i needed to explain my choices. i digress, i came across this recipe from whole foods and happened to scroll down, low and behold thai-style butternut soup.

both of these recipes were easy and relatively fast, meaning i was able to do them in enough time while baby girl was occupied with an empty rice bag, we like trash what can i say. it was in part due to the genius who thought of this (and costco for selling it)

there is no final picture of the soup because, lets be honest, purees don't picture well, but it was DELICIOUS. some of the best soup i've had and all good for you ingredients.

 the turkey wraps were really good as well, joe gave them an A+ which he never does. yes, my husband grades all the meals we eat, a discussion for another post. not because he doesn't like my cooking but because he's always looking for ways to improve things.

simple, easy, and gave me an excuse to buy staples for thai cooking. now what to do with the rest of that coconut milk...