last week we had a lot going on, but one thing i really wanted to go to was wednesday at the square to see anders osborne. that day was a long one and i had pretty much talked myself out of going. then i started thinking, when i think back at MF being little what will i remember...that i ran that night and stuck to our schedule, or that we enjoyed something that she loves together.
MF loves being outside and she loves music, so i knew she would love this. i couldn't have been more right. cautious at first but then smiling, laughing and dancing; this girl had a great time!
it's so easy to get caught up in our routines, and those things aren't bad, but for someone like me who feels overwhelmed by all there is to do, there is a a great freedom that comes from letting go.

my prayer is that i will let go more and relish in the joyful opportunities that are waiting to happen. and it's a perfect reason to get to spend some more time with this sweetie.