New Thing #9: Bread Pudding a la Mother's
Today I had the privilege of dining with my friend Tom for his birthday lunch at Mother's. Mother's is a restaurant that is where the locals eat, has been named one of America's best restaurants, and is just a New Orleans must. This "new thing each day" thing could be quite enjoyable in a city with so many fabulous restaurants. I had a po-boy of course and then the best of all--bread pudding. I am NOT a fan of bread pudding, but this bread pudding was like heaven in my mouth. If you come to New Orleans I will take you to go eat it, it is that good.

nothing to with socks. just excited the sea lions are back at the zoo!

Here are some facts about Mothers:
In a single year, Mother's serves up: No less than 175,000 pounds of ham and roast beef, More than 40,000 pounds of turkey, a staggering 30,000 pounds of homemade sausage, quarter of a million biscuits (and even more eggs!) A whopping 90,000 pounds of jambalaya, some 25,000 soft shell crabs and even more shrimp, nearly 250,000 pounds of cabbage, and incredible 150,000 loaves of French bread, as many pies as there are ships passing through the point of New Orleans (3,500), a spicy 1,500 gallons of Creole mustard and an honest ton of hot pepper sauce.
New Thing #10: Match Day

If you haven't experienced one yet I suggest you should. 150 plus students with family, friends, and faculty to celebrate the culmination of medical school--where you are placed for your residency. An exciting and nerve wracking atmosphere that makes you feel part of something special. Our dear friend will be leaving us for Boston, but we are very excited! There were friends, free champagne, food, and cake. All in all a fun party.
New Thing #11: Sleepless without Socks
I will not elaborate but for those of you who know me I can't remember a night ever that I haven't slept with socks. I tried it without them and if I hadn't been so tired I probably would have been miserable.
New Thing #12: 6.2 Miles to Start the Morning Right
I am most proud of this new thing. Today I ran a 10K, the Crescent City Classic here in New Orleans, without training! I am crazy, yes I know. I totally intended to walk considering I haven't run farther than 4 miles in 2008 but I made it all the way. Thanks to the best running pal, Caitlin, perfect weather, and my stubborn personality I made it all the way!
post race party
also a new thing, meeting a celebrity: Jared from Subway
New Thing #13: Movie on the Small Screen
Tonight I watched a video on my Ipod. Lost of course, my newest TV obsession, and it was quite enjoyable. I have had my Ipod since Christmas but never used this feature. I will definitely be downloading videos again and I can see this feature being very valuable on long car trips.
New Thing #14: King of California
Being lazy finding something new I decided to watch a movie that I knew absolutely nothing about. King of California was boring and weird. After it was over I felt dumb or dumber for having watched it. That is what I get for not thinking of something more creative.
New Thing #15: The Tipping Point
Today, and yes today, I read The Tipping Point. I had to read it all in one day because I lead a book group discussion on it for work. Leadership development, yada, yada, yada. It was an enjoyable read and thought provoking. I would recommend it as a beach or Spring Break read. Its the whole theory of how epidemics spread and what makes things stick. All in all pretty interesting.
Today I also decided to boycott Blockbuster. More to come about that in New Thing #16.
New Thing #16: Hate Mail.
Yes, I wrote my first letter of disgust and hatred to a commercial establishment. If I still have the letter I will post it online for you all to read. The movie rental company that is dead to me and will not longer be named accused me of stealing a movie, embarrassed and chastised me in front of other customers, and then required that I pay for a movie that I never had in my possession, let alone watched. I will now solely rely on Netflix, a company who actually values customer service.
New Thing #17: Web 2.0
Today at work I hosted a seminar about new media and public health. It was very interesting and I learned that there are 120 million bloggers out there in America. Well, welcome blogger #120,000,001. I am posting this link on my facebook page tonight. Yes, I Lauren Futrell am joining the culture of bloggers. I have been blogging for a few weeks now, but I felt today was appropriate to launch my voice out there on the web for others to read.
Actually, another motive is so anyone who reads this will give me suggestions of new things to do each day. I mean come on people, I have 348 new things to think of! I have realized that this experiment of mine is about both radical and simple, mundane and ridiculous new things. It is also about just being more aware of things that I am doing and giving me that extra incentive to try something new.
I promise I will add more pictures this weekend as I know as wordy as I am that this blog needs photos!
1 comment:
You are now "Tweety H" at my blogspot. ha ha! I'm glad you tried to sleep with no socks. I go back and forth with that. Maybe you should also try not doing stuff you normally do (like the socks thing) as part of your trying something new regime. Like, go one day without brushing your teeth and see how many people offer you gum or mint.
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