new adventures in new orleans. cooking. photography. decorating. mary frances and maple.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
secrets to an award winning cookie
the best way to spread christmas cheer...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
o tannenbaum
to me they represent tradition, continuity, and remembrance. remembrance literally by the memories each ornaments bring or family traditions around them, but also a reminder of continuity and hope. that year after year you can see them during this time of year where we remember not only the first coming of our King, but the second.
either way you look at it, i love them. i am a colored lights girl myself, i like a tree with as much color and handmade ornaments as possible. one day i do hope to have a two tree house, in which one can be elegant and one forever childlike as i like it.
my aunt has two trees up this year, one white lighted, one colored, for me to enjoy. the highlight of my week however, was when my sweet husband bought me a tabletop tree for our room because he knows how much i love them, and we made that little tree as tacky as possible :) to quote mr. d "i like this tree. it's a little lost, kind of like us right now."
colored or white lighted, o christmas tree, o christmas tree, your branches green delight us.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
in everything give thanks

Friday, October 22, 2010
maple makes one and a little life lagniappe
yes, those are dog food sprinkles and a candle.
Be at rest once more, oh my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you. Because he trusts in You, Trust in the Lord forever.For in YOU, the Lord, is everlasting strength. Isaiah 26:3
puppy birthday parties
bouquets of basil. way better than flowers in my book, although i like those too.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
one of the many foods i love are avocados. i could eat one every day! approximately once a week i have a craving for guacamole. instead of rushing out to my favorite taqueria down the street i decided i would make it myself. i've tried MANY recipes, but this is my favorite one from alice waters, 'the art of simple food.' you should all run out and get a copy of this cookbook. it's wonderful. the recipe is simple, but delicious. as my friend corinne says "make this and you will be the hit of every party!" you should try and see for yourself!
2 ripe avocados (cut in half and remove pits...I think this is pretty self explanatory :)
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice (this is about the juice from 1/2 of one lime)
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
the recipe also calls for 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion, which we don't put in because we think it is delicious without!
you will want to try this. i recommend it with el milagro tortilla chips from whole foods. it just completes the perfection.
the fruit, literally, of our labor
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
lovely days
as bad as i am at blogging, i'm more tired of seeing that disgusting picture of the luther burger every time i log on to look at other blogs so i present to you some pictures of the "loveliest days" of this summer. i borrowed that title from a blog i found and i think it perfectly describes my summer (which is not over yet, thank goodness!)
in june, all of my family (there are only 9 of us in my extended family) traveled out to palo alto to see my brilliant cousin graduate from stanford. the only one missing from our clan was nana, so we made sure to make her sign so she would know she was missed!
don't worry traditionalists. the smaller ceremonies for your major are formal, caps and gowns, and order and handing out of diplomas. here is my cousin richard, myself, and my brother. we are so proud of him!
we ate outside in their garden and the hostess made the most amazing paella i have ever had, i'm not kidding, even better than the paella i had in valencia. see the amazing backyard above.
we all went inside because it was chilly (again in june what?) followed by the best banana cake i've had, ever. i guess you could say i liked the food :)
this lovely day was followed by a trip to san francisco, sonoma, and big sur. blogs to follow...
and we'll love the lovely days."
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I can't decide if this list grosses me out or if I want to try them. Some are crazy (a BLT with 20 pieces of bacon???), some are lame (poor Massachusetts got a chocolate chip cookie), but my all time favorite is from my dear home state, Georgia. I introduce you to...The Luther Burger. Named after R&B legend Luther Vandross (not sure if he ate them but Health Magazine wanted to make sure we knew he was diabetic in the article).
Disclaimer: As a dietitian I am not promoting eating like this to the public (or blog world), I'm just saying it's okay to indulge, in moderation...which I guess might not include 20 pieces of bacon.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
a taste of home
well all that to say, i have been VERY homesick. missing good friends who are enjoying new relationships, fun weekends, and babies on the way. missing braves games on friday nights and screen on the green. missing jazz concerts on the lawn at the carter center and walks through centennial park with children splashing in the fountains. missing mostly the people but also the peaches, tubing in the mountains, and enjoying a drink on the marietta square.
being homesick has taught me a lot, mostly that this world is not my home, that i am called to something greater than myself, and to appreciate sweet times with family and friends. although i can't go to a braves game or visit erin at work at the marietta square (I would be a frequent visitor at her new job!) i have two sweet men in my life that remind me that home is not that far away! we all ventured out to chick-fil-a for spicy preview week for a little taste of home :)
a thumbs up from someone who is well versed in spicy foods, if he likes it, it must be good! (also he is a wonderful reminder of the state i love, i'm so thankful he is sharing this journey with me)
and yes, i do realize that in this new blogging venture, two posts have been about chick-fil-a. i promise i will try to work on that :)
Friday, May 7, 2010
florist for a day
her wedding was beautiful, check it out here thanks to the awesome duo known as altmix photography. for my wedding with the help of a very gifted florist friend my mom and i did my flowers, see pictures here (i'm at work so there is a lot of linking going on!). it was a lot of work, but we loved doing it. we found such joy in designing bouquets and arrangements. we also did the flowers for erin's brother's wedding (sorry no pictures), and after having two weddings under our belt erin asked that we do her flowers! here are some highlights:

bridesmaids bouquet and arrangement for guest book table
some arrangements that are pretty cool if i do say so myself and the aforementioned tallest best friend
my mom and i had such a blast putting everything together! we both agree we are not cut out to be career florist but we enjoy the opporunity to pretend like we are, at least for a day!Tuesday, April 13, 2010
to cook or not to cook?
the thing is i loved recipes, planning meals, i knew how to cook, i just didn't do it. so when i got married last summer i'll be honest i was a little nervous. luckily i have a husband who loves to cook so with the dozens of cookbooks i own (yes i collect them) we started on our journey.
at first we didn't realize this but after about two months we realized we hadn't made the same recipe twice. so we set a goal for ourself (i'm all about goals) not to cook the same main dish twice our first year of marriage. now this doesn't include breakfast or side dishes but we have been married 9 months and we're on track! we do eat leftovers and we do freeze extra and pull it out on a rainy day, we just don't cook the same recipe twice.
let me tell you it's been so much fun! we are eating healthy, trying to eat local. growing our own herbs, and having a lot of fun together. we've decided that besides our new puppy, cooking might be our only hobby, but we love it!
here are two recent meals we've really liked:
beautiful collards from a local farm and market
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
fleur de biscuit
we decided to use the flying biscuit cafe recipe, my personal favorite, if you are ever in atlanta, go!
we don't have a lot of space in our tiny kitchen so the counter became our workspace. about 27 cups of flour later we had these ready to go in the oven:
i decided it would be fun to make with our fleur de lis cookie cutter. bad idea, you cannot appropriately "flour" a cookie cutter shaped like a fleur de lis. i think here they look more like dinosaurs. however, they turned out pretty well:
definitely resembles a fleur de lis right? well that is not the important part, the fact is they were amazing! being biscuit amateurs we didn't have high expectations, but we agreed, these were some of the best biscuits we've ever had (and we are both from georgia).
the final product! mr. d made his a sandwich, i am a biscuit purist and ate mine all by itself with some honey. they really were delicious.
a soirée of sorts
it was also a wonderful opportunity to use the china, silver, and crystal we got for our wedding that have never seen the light of day. i don't want to be one of those people who only uses it on "special occasions." so if you come over to the dunaway household for dinner don't be suprised :) we will probably still use paper napkins and drink out of mardi gras cups, but you will have a nice plate.
i digress. we had a wonderful dinner party with good friends we are blessed with here in nola. not only are these people good friends they are good cooks as well. brie and pear tartlets, gourmet salads, and a lovely dessert involving praline mousse. i made an easy, delicious garlic and herb chicken.
we ate outside in our picturesque courtyard, kind of like on julia & julia when they eat on their roof. i went for the classy, eclectic look with fresh flowers, cloth napkins,but just enough touch of "we just got married and we do with what we have (or borrow)." my friend's china even came to the party so we would have enough.
sadly my camera was on the wrong setting so some of the pictures didn't turn out but here are a few!