Tuesday, April 6, 2010

fleur de biscuit

lame title, i apologize. last saturday mr. d and i decided to make biscuits. an endeavour i've never been brave enough to embark on (the fact that i grew up in the south and never was taught to make biscuits is another blog for another day).

we decided to use the flying biscuit cafe recipe, my personal favorite, if you are ever in atlanta, go!

we don't have a lot of space in our tiny kitchen so the counter became our workspace. about 27 cups of flour later we had these ready to go in the oven:

i decided it would be fun to make with our fleur de lis cookie cutter. bad idea, you cannot appropriately "flour" a cookie cutter shaped like a fleur de lis. i think here they look more like dinosaurs. however, they turned out pretty well:

definitely resembles a fleur de lis right? well that is not the important part, the fact is they were amazing! being biscuit amateurs we didn't have high expectations, but we agreed, these were some of the best biscuits we've ever had (and we are both from georgia).

the final product! mr. d made his a sandwich, i am a biscuit purist and ate mine all by itself with some honey. they really were delicious.

maple recovering from her surgery wondering why she can't have any
i will share the recipe to those not fortunate to have the cookbook. mind you this resembles nothing my usual cooking light recipes have to offer, but it is a nice splurge every now and then!


Anonymous said...

I have never made biscuits either. I live in GA now although I am not from here so I guess that takes the pressure of a bit. ha!!

I would love to get your recipe!!

lauren elizabeth said...

out of town now but happy to send it over when i get back, it really is fool proof!