Tuesday, February 1, 2011

hello february

i'm not quite sure how it is already february, but then again so much has happened!

in ten days in 1/11 i started a new job, we bought a car, and we put an offer on another house. i think i'm pretty much done for 2011! we are trusting the Lord with this one and if this is the house for us we will make it to closing, if not we are learning a whole lot about trust!

as for my january goals:

-lose 5 pounds
- purge stuff
- budget
- exercise 4 times a week
- finish one book

i did lose the 5 pounds, which probably had a lot to do with meeting the exercise goal, every week i exercised 5 days so that goal was exceeded! as for purging stuff, budgeting and finishing that book that didn't happen. maybe because january was so exciting!

so for february i aim to:

-finish one book (it has to happen sometime)
-purge as we pack up our boxes to move into our new home (hopefully!)
-close on our new home, closing day is february 28th!
-budget as we prepare for home ownership and look towards the future!
-continue to exercise 5 days a week

since i don't have any creative pictures of goal oriented things i leave you with the beauty of carnival season...

a blog to come on this confectionery delight!

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