new adventures in new orleans. cooking. photography. decorating. mary frances and maple.
Friday, October 31, 2008
New Thing #235: Specialty Halloween
My Aunt and Uncle were out of town, so Grace and I stayed in for Halloween, ordered pizza, and watched a movie. Friday night is always pizza night at our house, two cheese pizzas, extra cheese. Well, I decided to branch out in honor of Halloween and order a Papa Johns specialty pizza, I know I live on the edge. I enjoyed Oceans 13 with a BBQ Chicken and Bacon pizza, hold the bacon, add pineapple. Yummy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Thing #234: End Arm Jiggle
Just admit it. This title makes you laugh, or cringe, or both. So yes, the new thing for this day was another yoga pose, the dolphin pose. By posing like a dolphin you too can have toned biceps, triceps, and shoulders! Here are the instructions because I know you are dying to try it. 

picture courtesy of health magazine of course
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Thing #233: Simple Decision
I love magazines. I love the pictures and the articles. I love that you can scan through or take your time and enjoy. I have been given subscriptions, Seventeen :) in high school of course, and now Health, but I decided to purchase my first magazine subscription. I must admit, at first I thought it was going to be Glamour, because that is my stress reliever magazine, but I decided it should be something fun (besides all those academic journals I get) but purposeful (maybe Glamour doesn't fall in that category. I decided on Real Simple. It is a fabulous magazines with stories, life tips, recipes, and great decorating, organizing and project ideas. I'm excited to get my first one in the mail!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Thing #232: Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
I found this idea on my friend Jennifer's blog. You too can go to www.myheritage.com to find out you celebrity look-alikes. While this may boost the self-esteem for some, it made me realize that I look like male celebrities I've never even heard of...and Cindy Crawford? Seriously!
MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Genealogies - Free family tree
Monday, October 27, 2008
New Thing #231: You're Evited
I finally decided to join the internet world of invitations and use evite. It's a really handy website that actually has party tips, I didn't use those but I hear they are great. I must admit it was harder than I thought, meaning I didn't input people's email addresses right, user error. All in all a success! Albeit most New Orleanians or New Orleans transplants don't reply "yes" until the day before :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New Thing #230: Picnic in the Park
Ever since I moved here I wanted to have a picnic in Audubon park. It is one of my favorite places in the city and I love spending time there. Beautiful weather and Joe being in town for his birthday brought the perfect opportunity. Several of our friends got together an had a picnic after church on Sunday. The weather was amazing, all of us in shorts at the end of October, the reason most of us live in New Orleans :) It was a fun time of fellowship and just enjoying this great city we live in. I want to have picnics here more often!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
New Thing #229: Dawg Food
Joe and I made our first trip to Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge. I must admit I was scared to enter the enemy territory, but I must say, aside from a few "Tiger Bait" screams in our face, everyone was very enjoyable. We were even sitting in the LSU section and the people around us were welcoming. When we left, people even congratulated us. Thank you LSU for an enjoyable time! I was sad I didn't get to see Mike the Tiger but we are going back soon so I will make a visit!

tiger stadium, baton rouge, la
we won!
joe was very happy
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Thing #228: Ratatouille!
I have an unexplainable love for Paris and French culture so of course I love French restaurants! Joe came into town and we went to Le Crepe Nanou a lovely restaurant that a dear couple in our church gave us a gift certificate to celebrate his birthday. It was perfect with excellent wine, delicious food, and a sweet atmosphere. Along with loving Paris, I love Pixar, so of course I loved Ratatouille the movie, even though I had never tried the actual dish. So for the first time I had ratatouille and the delicious crepe nanou (signature dessert of the restaurant) with a crepe, vanilla, chocolate, and coffee ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and almonds. Oh my!
I'm not so good with food pictures (hence no picture of ratatouille or the crepe)
but this one turned out quite nice!
the quaint le crepe nanou
Thursday, October 23, 2008
New Thing #227: Oh The Places You'll Go
My friend Caitlin (who is getting ready to leave for Ethiopia for the Peace Corps!) had this great Cracker Barrel map on her wall. No, not for the purpose of locating all of the Cracker Barrels, but for tracking her journeys across the US. Her dark lines span from east to west and north to south. Last year on a road trip she picked one up for me and it took me this long to fill it out. So I finally did! I tracked my travels on a Cracker Barrel Map. My lines are more concentrated in the southeast and up the east coast. It was a good reminder for me to take that cross-country road trip I've always dreamed of!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Thing #226: Olive Oil Gone Wrong
Health magazine is again the culprit for this new thing. They had an article on alternative uses for food, i.e. as beauty projects. Most seem really interesting, a strawberry face-mask, pumpkin skin scrub, etc. The easiest was using olive oil as an alternative to lip gloss. Seems harmless enough...the raved of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and stated that "a pea-sized amount dabbed on the lips will hydrate a parched pucker."
so I tried it and...
At first I thought it was wonderful! My lips were smooth and hydrated, I was raving about it...until I woke up the next morning with a giant crack down the center of my lip that took a week to go away...I do not recommend trying this one at home :)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
New Thing #225: Bid Exhaustion
In a frantic attempt to get tickets for Joe and I to the UGA/LSU game I resorted to ebay for the first time. I admit to perusing item on ebay but never committing to bid. It all starts so innocently, reasonable bids hours before the auction ends. Then something happens about 5 minutes before the bidding is closed, people come out of no where and starting furiously bidding. It was sight to see and participate. Luckily we had a price limit, so even though I was tempted to bid higher and higher as I was outbid I didn't. I don't imagine I should be allowed to attend a real auction with my competitive nature.
Alas I was outbid over and over on ebay but don't you worry we purchased tickets from StubHub for a reasonable price. I think that was enough bidding for me.
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Thing #224: Mostly Martha
The most wonderful Netflix provided my aunt and I with Mostly Martha. The German film that inspired the American film No Reservations. It is a sweet movie about a head-strong, very compulsive, chef who takes in her orphaned niece, and their story of learning what it means to love, enjoy life and each other. Of course there is a love interest in there too. I actually liked Mostly Martha better, it was less romantic comedy and more about the relationship between aunt and niece. I think that is usually true that the original is better. I suggest you check it out!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Thing #223: Sunday at "The Fly"
It is a tradition for many here in New Orleans to spend Sunday afternoon at "The Fly." According to Fodors this area behind Audubon Park on a levee that overlooks the Mississippi River is called the fly because of a butterfly shaped building that was torn down years ago. Who knew?
I spent the afternoon watching friends play soccer, yes I have a fear of team sports, and hanging out with Mary Chaney and her awesome standard poodle Arthur. It was such a beautiful afternoon with great weather, I hope to spend many more Sunday afternoons here!
Picture to come later (blogging at work limits picture posting :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
New Thing #222: A Palace Princess
Commander's Palace, a New Orleans landmark since 1880, is tucked away in the Garden District. I had the privilege of going with Joe's brother Michael who was in town for a visit. Let me just say, it was amazing! As you walk in the entire staff greets you. Your waiter pulls out your chair, places the napkin on your lap, and welcomes you to this dining experience! I really did feel like a princess. The food, the atmosphere, and the staff are probably the best in New Orleans in my opinion! Now I know where I want to go for my birthday :)
I had Chef Tory McPhail's Creole Favorites: turtle soup au cherry, griddle seared gulf fish (a light dish of bruleed Louisiana citrus, crab boiled vegetables, and lemon-brown butter vinaigrette) and bread pudding souffle the "queen of creole desserts"

Friday, October 17, 2008
New Thing #221: Flowery Chocolate
While in Europe I bought a large assortment of chocolates. Actually, it was practically the only thing I purchased. Everyone once in a while I will pull one out as a treat. One Friday night I decided to try lavender chocolate. I don't know if it was the particular brand, or the fact that it was purchased in June and eaten in October, or if I just don't have a very cultured chocolate palate, but I didn't like it. To me it didn't taste like tranquility as the package proclaims, it tasted like soap. On the other hand, my 17 year old cousin who rarely tries new things, liked it. I think I need to expand my palate :)
soapy chocolate
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Thing #220: Yoga=Sweeter Sleep
For most of October I wasn't sleeping well. I must admit I didn't try that many remedies, but with sleep being probably the most important necessity in my life, I was an unhappy person. I came across this yoga pose for better sleep in Health magazine, one of my favorites, and decided to give it a try.
Apparently standing upside down with your head on a stack of books does help you sleep better!
Picture to come soon :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New Thing #219: Blog Action Day
On October 15th over 12 thousand bloggers joined together to discuss a single issue--poverty. This Blog Action Day was an effort to raise awareness using the blog medium. Over 13 million readers read blogs discussing the same issue. It's neat to see how something that may seem trendy or commonplace can really catch people's attention.
Obviously I am late participating in this but I encourage you to read other blogs and take a second to think about what poverty means to you.
I have been blessed to have been raised in a family with a world view that includes praying for, providing for, attending to, those less fortunate than myself.
This base was expanded further after Hurricane Katrina and moving to New Orleans to attend graduate school in Public Health and to be part of the recovery. Poverty recognition to me has been the increasing realization of inequality in health care. Inequalities in preventive measures. Inequalities in safe places to play and healthy foods to eat.
Currently my job is targeting one of those things, trying to provide healthier foods in low-income communities in New Orleans. It may seem insignificant in the global fight against poverty but I like to think of all the efforts combined and how they can change our communities, states, nation, and world for the better. I hope to always have a job that involves an issue I am passionate about.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Thing #218: Berry Heaven
My church had a surprise birthday party for our pastor. The cake of the evening was a Berry Chantilly cake from Whole Foods. This was, I kid you not, probably one of the best cakes I have ever had. The cake is so moist (yes I used that word) and the berries were so fresh and delicious! In the words of a fellow party goer "if I get married I want this to be my wedding cake." I most definitely agree.

some online photo just so you can get an idea

in the picture: our amazing pastor and family with berry chantilly cake bottom right
Monday, October 13, 2008
New Thing #217: Seeds of Hope
First I would like to give the Times Picayune credit for that title. They wrote a newspaper article on this topic and I just loved that phrasing.
I had the opportunity to tour the Hollygrove Market and Farm. This vision in the making will be a "self-sustaining nonprofit store selling local produce and an education center for urban farming." The initiative will offer not only fresh food to an under served community but also economic development. It is a great plan for selling locally grown fresh produce and encouraging urban farming. It is coming along beautifully thanks to grants and volunteers. I am excited to see the project grow.
Check it out here:

what the finished product will look like
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Thing #216: You put the lime...
Again, my aunt found these Edy's Fruit Bars, made with real fruit mind you, and they are great! They come in lime, lemonade, grape, and strawberry. I think strawberry is my favorite with real strawberry chunks in them. Perfect for a low-calorie after dinner treat!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
New Thing #215: Oktober Origami
I'm not sure how a night out at Oktober Fest resulted in me learning how to make a paper crane, but it did! Caitlin's were much better than my beginner attempts. Now I just have 998 more to make a 1,000.
Friday, October 10, 2008
New Thing #214: Apple Bubbly
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New Thing #213: Looney Pix
I am not at liberty to say what prompted this project, but lets just say erin and I think it is important to explore your creative abilities when editing photos you have taken. That is why I think everyone should experience the class and joy for all their photo editing needs at www.loonapix.com.

easy and classy
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
New Thing #212: Boysenberrylicious
I love berries, but somehow I managed to miss boysenberries. While eating boysenberry yogurt for the first time I looked it up and learned that a boysenberry is a cross between a raspberry and Pacific blackberry. Named after the man who was first recognized for growing them and made famous by Knott's Berry Farm. Who new berries were so interesting!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New Thing #211: Inside Out
Due to exhaustion from screaming my heart out and losing sweet sleep hours from Monday Night Football, I realized after the entire day that I was wearing my underwear inside out. Getting dressed in the dark and in a rush didn't bode well for a sleep deprived Saints fan. It was humorous as well that I didn't realize it until the end of the day.

at least it wasn't as bad as this favorite cartoon character from my adolescence
Monday, October 6, 2008
New Thing #210: Are you ready for some football?!?
Night games were always more fun in college, the atmosphere is more exciting, and people have had all day to get ready, or get drunk in some unfortunate cases. This was my first time attending a Monday Night Football game. The crowd was electric and the dome was filled with Saints faithful as always. Unfortunately the night did not end well, with a loss...I think for pro games I like afternoon games the best.
uga alum charles grant! (behind all that smoke that is)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
New Thing #209: Bra Baby
Yes, you read the title right. Another perk of this new things project is product testing. I have seen these on TV infomercials and now you can buy them for your very own at Wal-Mart! My aunt brought this home, and since I am very unkind to my delicates I thought I would give it a try. The Bra Baby, does in fact baby your bra if you use it right. I didn't clasp it correctly the first time, user error. My only suggestion to the makers would be to make a giant ball so I can wash all the bras I need to at one time!
looks like a hamster ball to me
Saturday, October 4, 2008
New Thing #208: Night on the Town
I have heard of this event and saw it passing by two years ago, but this year for the first time my aunt and I went to Art for Art's Sake on Magazine St. this year. It is a fabulous night where shop owners and art galleries on Magazine and Julia Streets stay open late. The streets are filled with bands and music and people enjoying the cooler night air. Shops and galleries have free food and wine for all to partake in. I had a wonderful time with my aunt complete with almond gelato from La Divina to end the night. I remember thinking that nights like these are one of the reasons I love this city so much.

Friday, October 3, 2008
New Thing #207: Ferry Land
The first Friday night in October called for none other than riding the ferry over to Gretna for none other than Gretna Fest. Complete with every fried food you could want, cute old couples dancing to zydeco music, and KC and the Sunshine Band. What more could you want? The ferry ride back also gave me an opportunity to take a picture of my favorite New Orleans bridge for the first time. New Orleans is an island in the sense to get out of it you have to take a bridge, or go to Metairie, which we all know I don't go there by choice :). The Crescent City Connection is my favorite of the bridges, and although this picture isn't fabulous it reminds of quite a lovely night.
crescent city connection via ferry
lovelies who accompanied me to the fest
Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Thing #206: Veeps
I must admit I am not a fan of debates...call me a sissy, but they make me nervous and tense that I forget the object of the discussion and just clinch until they are over. I also must admit to not watching any of the debates during this election, or any other election. So I decided to see what all the fuss was about to watch a vice-presidential debate for the first time. I must say after watching the debate I was informed, not on the candidates platforms mind you, but on things you should not do during a debate, regardless of your party affiliation like 1) not answering questions 2) responding with the same answer to every question and 3) laughing and smiling while the other person puts you down. I think one debate was enough for me.
see for yourself
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
New Thing #205: Kyoto
Again, as mentioned over and over again, I love this new thing project because use it as an excuse to try new restaurants in New Orleans. I went with new and sweet friend Mary Lee to Kyoto, a Japanese restaurant, for some sushi. I have grown to love sushi and let me tell you, the sushi at Kyoto is delicious! Including as pictured below (thanks random person on flickr) yummy tuna, avacado, sprouts, and spicy goodness. I think it might have been my favorite sushi yet, however I am very willing to be proved wrong by going out again!

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