Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Thing #219: Blog Action Day

On October 15th over 12 thousand bloggers joined together to discuss a single issue--poverty. This Blog Action Day was an effort to raise awareness using the blog medium. Over 13 million readers read blogs discussing the same issue. It's neat to see how something that may seem trendy or commonplace can really catch people's attention.

Obviously I am late participating in this but I encourage you to read other blogs and take a second to think about what poverty means to you.

I have been blessed to have been raised in a family with a world view that includes praying for, providing for, attending to, those less fortunate than myself.

This base was expanded further after Hurricane Katrina and moving to New Orleans to attend graduate school in Public Health and to be part of the recovery. Poverty recognition to me has been the increasing realization of inequality in health care. Inequalities in preventive measures. Inequalities in safe places to play and healthy foods to eat. 

Currently my job is targeting one of those things, trying to provide healthier foods in low-income communities in New Orleans. It may seem insignificant in the global fight against poverty but I like to think of all the efforts combined and how they can change our communities, states, nation, and world for the better. I hope to always have a job that involves an issue I am passionate about. 

Think about what poverty means to you and take action!

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