Monday, January 10, 2011

boot love

last year i was brave and bought my first pair of boots, other than my timberlands i had in 7th grade of course. i say brave because i thought boots were "trendy", and i'm not very good at pulling off trendy. i found this pair of boots on the clearance rack at tjmaxx for $30 and went for it! i thought, real leather and this cheap, it can't hurt! turns out they were sam edelman boots that were originally over $200, i had no idea but impressed my fashionista friends with my find.

after that i fell in love with boots. i realized they aren't trendy, well maybe they are, but for me they are practical, they keep my feet warm and add style. with such luck with my first find i was picky with purchasing other boots and wouldn't settle for less than a good deal.

enter target. i have a narrow foot and high arch so target shoes doesn't always work for me. however, i'd been wanting a pair of riding boots and ankle boots (yes my boot love is a little excessive) but didn't want to 1) buy some that weren't real leather or 2) spend a lot of money...i'm a high maintenance shopper.

my mom and i were in target a few days after christmas and she found these boots...real leather and for some reason 50% off on clearance. they are still regular price online so they must have just needed to make room for new inventory. check out my finds:

these riding boots are so comfortable and a great color. i've gotten numerous complements when i wear them, and yesterday a coworker asked if they were frye boots, the ultimate boot compliment!

these beauties are not as cheesy as they look in the picture. they are a little lighter and more distressed. they look cute with jeans or a skirt!

i'm glad i waited for something that met my shopping standards and with both being 50% i got two pairs for the original price of one. that is my kind of bargain!

1 comment:

Marty said...

I'm a boot lover myself. Mine has gotten excessive...I think I have upwards of 10 pair. Eek! Love them all.