Tuesday, December 7, 2010

o tannenbaum

i love christmas trees. while there are different thoughts to their meaning and origination, they originated in germany so that's enough for me.

to me they represent tradition, continuity, and remembrance. remembrance literally by the memories each ornaments bring or family traditions around them, but also a reminder of continuity and hope. that year after year you can see them during this time of year where we remember not only the first coming of our King, but the second.

either way you look at it, i love them. i am a colored lights girl myself, i like a tree with as much color and handmade ornaments as possible. one day i do hope to have a two tree house, in which one can be elegant and one forever childlike as i like it.

my aunt has two trees up this year, one white lighted, one colored, for me to enjoy. the highlight of my week however, was when my sweet husband bought me a tabletop tree for our room because he knows how much i love them, and we made that little tree as tacky as possible :) to quote mr. d "i like this tree. it's a little lost, kind of like us right now."

colored or white lighted, o christmas tree, o christmas tree, your branches green delight us.

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