Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Thing #51: Procrastination to the Nth Degree

Yes, while I am sitting here in the Tulane library studying for my physics exam tomorrow, I decided that now would be a good time to do anything but study. So, I Simpsonized myself. I don't watch the Simpson's often but when I do I usually get a good laugh and I got a good laugh out of this, and some time away from electromagnetic induction. 

me at Tulane

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Thing #50: What A Wonderful World

Today, I actually had a new thing planned out. I went with friends to free scoop day at Ben & Jerry's, which was a lovely time but ended up not being what I wanted to blog about.

As I was riding the shuttle back to the Tulane Uptown campus I struck up a conversation with the bus driver, Darryl. Darryl begins to tell me all about his past jobs, experiences, his Katrina story. Come to find out, that Darryl's grandfather was Louis Armstrong's first cousin. Cousin Louis would come to their house from time to time and sing with Darryl. In Darryl's words "Cousin Louis told me that his voice wouldn't die until I did, because I sound just like him." He asked me if I wanted him to sing for me, and I said of course. So today, I was serenaded by Louis Armstrong's cousin with What A Wonderful World. Let me tell you, this man sounded just like Louis Armstrong. He continued to chat with me about life, struggles, and the tears and blessings that have come out of Katrina. I love this city so much, and this is one of the reasons. The serendipitous occasions to have genuine conversations with people. People aren't too busy to stop and share, to commiserate and celebrate, to serenade and placate. Darryl made my day, my week, probably without knowing it. What a Wonderful World. 

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Thing #49: Summer Reading

I love books. I love buying them, reading them, and discussing them. As a child I loved the summer reading programs at the library where you would read so many books and then get free Pizza Hut or a ticket to a Brave's game or something. Summer reading in high school became less glamourous as the assigned readings were not what I would have chosen personally, and many times I ended up skimming or reading the cliff notes, gasp. 

The problem with this love for reading is that it has been halted since this time in high school. Being in school, I have used that as an excuse. I read on breaks, and during free summers, but those became few and far between. So today, as I was tasting my new found freedom that will come May 7, I compiled a summer reading list of 25 books I am going to read this summer. This list is an eclectic collection of books that I own, yet have not read, books I've wanted to read, and books recommended by friends verbally or through their favorite books on facebook (so I hope you people took that section seriously :) The reading may continue on through the summer but I am excited about the freedom to read freely! 

Listed in no particular order: 

1. Love Walked In 2. The God of Small Things 3. Freakonomics 4. Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone  5. Gone With the Wind 6. Blink   7. The History of Love   8. House of Sand & Fog 9. Jane Eyre  10. The Audacity of Hope  11. To Kill a Mocking Bird 12. East of Eden
13. A Confederacy of Dunces  14. The End of Poverty 15. John Adams   16. I Am America (And So Can You!)    17. The Great Awakening      18. Eat, Pray, Love   19. Omnivore's Dilemma         20. All The King's Men 21. Forever in Blue    22. Digging to America 23. A Thousand Splendid Suns 24. The Alchemist 25. Marley & Me

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Thing #48: Für Elise

Today I wanted to do an outside new thing, but weather was not permitting. In true Lauren procrastination mode last night I was reading the blog of my dear friend Jennifer and I copied one of her new ideas. 

I started taking piano lessons when I was five and continued until I was 18. The sad thing is after I went away to college I didn't really play anymore. I would play occasionally at home over breaks but that was about it. I didn't have  a piano in Nashville and we didn't have one in our apartment here in New Orleans. In October we moved back into our house, and I have had one since then. Every day I walk by it, my cousin plays when he is home, but I never have.

I have this huge personality flaw of not trying something I know will be difficult for me. I was never gifted to play by ear, and had to work really hard at playing the piano, but it was always worth it. Today, the rest of my family was at a movie and I had the house to myself, a VERY rare thing, so I decided to jump in. I played the piano for the first time at our house in New Orleans. I found one of my cousin's piano books and played for about an hour. It was frustratingly wonderful.  I stumbled over most notes, but I enjoyed when I came to a familiar piece and my muscle memory would kick in and my fingers would glide over they keys. It was refreshing and made me realize a blessing that I have been avoiding because of the fear of "relearning." When will I learn that the best things are the ones you have to work for :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Thing #47: Color Splash!

I love photography and pictures and anything having to do with them. I feel like photography is a sacred art form and we have the privilege of capturing memories from our own view point! Okay, so you get the point. One thing that I have loved seeing recently is pictures with color splashes. Black and white photos with only certain items in color, a bright flower, a ribbon, anything. I have had Adobe Photoshop on my computer for about 3 months now but every time I open it I am overwhelmed at my inability to use it. So today, I faced my fears and I found a tutorial online and I used Photoshop to create color splash pictures! Here are some of the first results:


calico-mo and lulu

my dad and i at avery's wedding (yes I do take non-cat pictures)

I was also reminded today of how nice lazy, rainy Saturday's are and what a blessing it is to have a family to share them with :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Thing #46: Epitome of a Contradiction

In the delirium of Friday morning came a new thing with both irony and implication. I am a procrastinator, rooted in perfectionism most likely for those of you who know me, but it is something that I have tried to change for the past twenty years of my academic existence to no avail. Maybe I have what they call, "student syndrome", which I would put money on having an ICD-9 diagnosis code associated with it in the next decade.

I had a paper due Friday, of which the deadline had already been extended one week. As of 10:49 Thursday evening I had 3 sentences. Needless to say I was up all night practically. The Friday deadline was for extra credit, but in my perfectionist procrastination personality I had to finish by this deadline. My paper was on Farm Subsidies and Obesity, looking at how farm policy over the last thirty years or so has contributed inadvertently to the waistlines of Americans. The government subsidizes only certain commodity crops, the two main crops being corn and soybeans, which are main ingredients in high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated vegetable oil respectively. These items are most readily available in processed, low nutrient dense foods, and because they are subsidized so heavily they are more inexpensive than say fruits and vegetables. Farmers have less incentive to grow fruits and vegetables because they receive less money for these items. I do agree with this theory, although the causes of the obesity epidemic are multi-factorial I think that the government needs to take more responsibility for the foods available at reasonable prices. Regardless of what you think you can read more here

The point of the previous two paragraphs of rambling was that as I was writing this paper I was a complete and utter epitome of a contradiction to myself. While writing a paper on unhealthy food and obesity, at 3:00 am I just had to have some Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos and a Pepsi. Yes, because with sleep deprivation your body craves carbohydrates so I just had to have them. I will not lie, those Doritos are good, first introduced to me on The Colbert Report, but it seriously got me thinking.

We have all been hypocritical in our lives, whether it is with our knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, or faith to name a few. But how often to we step back and realize that the actions that we choose to take are so opposite from our words. It is a life lesson that I hope to have more learning opportunities around during this year of new things. I never intended this blog to be intuitive or pensive, but for today it is. Who would have thought there is a higher lesson to be learned from eating Doritos and procrastination. 

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Thing #45: Dunder Mifflin Live

It seems strange to me that as much as I revel in the humor and antics of The Office that I have never watched it on TV. I fell in love over Christmas break and my brother and I watched Seasons 1-3 consecutively on DVD in a matter of a week or two. Yes, an unhealthy addiction. I caught up on Season 4 online, and the past two weeks I have had other commitments on Thursday nights that have kept me from cozying up with my friends from Dunder Mifflin. So tonight, for the first time, while babysitting cousin and kittens I watched The Office on air. This may seem insignificant to you but I was able to participate in water-cooler, or front desk discussions at the office Friday.

"Studies show that more information is passed through watercooler gossip than through official memos, which puts me at a disadvantage because I bring my own water to work." 
-Dwight Schrute

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Thing #44: WATS

Tonight I went with friends for the first time to Wednesday at the Square, a concert series that takes place April through June, every Wednesday hence the name, at Lafayette Square here in New Orleans. Rumor had it that this was the place for young professionals in New Orleans to gather, and the rumor proved to be true! Now we just have to figure out where all these people go after 7:00 p.m. Wednesday :) It was fun to be outside, to listen to Big Sam's Funky Nation and then the Dirty Dozen Brass Band and visit with friends. Food and drinks are reasonably priced and there are also artists booths. It sounds like I am the PR person for this event! Needless to say it was fun to be outside, listen to music, and visit with friends. After finals I will be there every week. See you at the square!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Thing #43: Happy Day Earth

So today was Earth Day and it got me thinking about about becoming more "green." Actually, it had me realize how un-environmentally conscious I am. I care about these things but I do nothing. And today, in honor of the earth I made two little changes. 

1. I HATE plastic bags. They are abundant and annoying. According to there are over ONE TRILLION plastic bags being used this year.  On average each American uses 300-700 plastic bags each year! These bags end up as little, pollutants, require oil to produce, and are harmful to animals. So I decided to purchase a sustainable alternative to plastic bags. I chose Chico Bags just based on reviews and preference and I am excited for them to arrive and to stop contributing to the unnecessary waste!

2. Recently there has been coverage in the news about plastic and the fact that it is leaching BPA (bisphenol-A) into our water and food. This compound mimics estrogen in our bodies and can have detrimental effects ranging from cancer to problems with fertility and not to mention they are tetarogenic. Apparently plastics #2, 4, 5 are okay, #1 is okay for one time use, but our beloved nalgenes, #7 fall under the guilty culprit list for leaching BPA's. So I decided to purchase a SIGG water bottle which is BPA free. Ironically I did some research on this BPA thing and they have known for over a decade that this was occurring and the detrimental health effects, yet we keep producing this plastic, in baby bottles no less!

A special thank you to my friends who are WAY ahead of me in being environmentally conscious and for putting up with my small musings to make a difference. 

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Thing #42: Daily Kitten

This suggestion came from my friend Joann. She recommended that I upload my cute kitten pictures to a website that she found. I couldn't figure out how to upload them there but I did upload a picture to another website--The Daily Kitten. Apparently there is someone out there in cyber world who has enough free time to receive kitten pictures, sift through them, and upload a new one each day at 3:07. I will let you know if our boys make it! :)

jacques-imo and satchmo in the picture i submitted
the whole gang this weekend

Sunday, April 20, 2008

New Thing #41: I'll Trade You a Sheep for an Ore

Sunday night new friends Jessica and Dave invited some people over for strawberries and cake. Earlier that day Jessica had told me about this game that they all liked to play. I told her that I love games and I am easily addicted. Circumstance would have it that that night I got to play. I played Settler's of Catan a board game originally from Germany. According to wikipedia its mechanics are simple but dynamics complex, and I would agree. It is all about building settlements and cities and you do so with resources--wheat, ore, brick, wood, and sheep. You collect resources by creating settlements and rolling the die. You can also trade resources which each other. I think you should all check it out.  I had fun and I hope to get to play again!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Thing #40: Radio Power

Thank you to Erin who introduced me yesterday to Pandora Radio. I really wonder what they will think of next. You sign on to this site and enter the name of an artist or song that you like. The website immediately compiles a list of songs, i.e. creates your very own personalized radio station! You can guide it by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to each song and it will continue to choose more songs that you like, and it is completely free! This could have been around for months but I feel like I have found a treasure, and definitely something to play in the background to prevent me from going crazy from now until graduation.  Countdown 28 days!

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Thing #39: The Real McCoy

Every semester here there is a party or event put on by GAPSA, a graduate student organization here in New Orleans. Apparently it is supposed to be the "meeting event of the year" for all New Orleans graduate students from various universities. Last semester we had a blast so we were glad to find out that yes, this was in fact another GAPSA. It also provided an opportunity for a really fun new thing! Last night I went to The House of Blues and heard Trombone Shorty perform! This was my first time at House of Blues and it was a really fun venue and Trombone Shorty was really good! Everyone should check out his music here.  (photos courtesy of my fun friend Grace who is one of the reasons I am surviving graduate school classes this semester :)

trombone shorty

caitlin, me, and grace

Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Thing #38: Off the Wall Hydration

Today I went rock climbing again. I am really enjoying being able to do more difficult climbs each time. Mind you this is indoors but I like it just the same! Anyway, today while rock climbing I tried G2 for the first time. We have had it in our fridge for weeks so I finally decided to see what all the hype was about. As a nutritionist I feel like I need to fully analyze this product so I apologize for you having to read this. It is a low calorie hydrator for athletes "off the field" (hence the pun of "off the wall" :) The website has all this mumbo jumbo about how scientific research shows that properly flavored beverages with electrolytes encourage drinking, whatever properly flavored beverages mean I have no idea. I do like it though because it only has 70 calories per bottle, much less than regular gatorade which kids drink like water. It still has 28 grams of sugar, and is apparently a marketing scheme for PepsiCo to make more money, but I will give it the Lauren Futrell, RD, LDN seal of approval. 


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Thing #37: Wiki What?

At the seminar I hosted last month entitled Web 2.0, New Media and Public Health, I learned that a wiki is actually just a website edited by its users. I just assumed that wikipedia just made up that word. Wiki is the Hawaiian word for fast so how that relates to a website I don't know, but I digress.

Today I used wikiHow for the first time to learn how to draw MC Escher's impossible triangle. There a million "how tos" on the website and I can see it will be a very useful source in my quest for new things. Some of my favorites: "how to win a hot dog eating contest," "how to be a popular girl", and yes you too can learn on the internet "how to deliver a baby." You should all check it out and maybe one of my new things will be contributing to a wiki.

the finished product

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New Thing #36: Can You See Me Now

Today my brother and I tested out the capacity of our MacBooks and used video chat! I know I am behind the times but it was so fun to see him while chatting! I was able to say hello to Lacey and my dad and Jonathan was able to visit with Grace and meet all of the kittens. With all its downfalls, I must say technology, and our Macs, are pretty awesome. I hope to get to "chat" more with Jonathan again!

no I did not ask for permission to use this picture

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Thing #35: Small Town Feel

It was much cheaper for me to fly out Monday, so I was able to spend extra time in the Nashville area to see old friends. Monday afternoon I went to Franklin to have lunch at Merridee's Breadbasket with my dear friend Ashley and her son Bo. Merridee's was a cute little restaurant with a bakery inside. I had a delectable 7 layer bar for dessert!
Bo was born in August and this was my first time meeting him. He is so precious! Seriously, one of the sweetest, most laid back babies I have ever met. Again, being around him was so pleasant I may have one one day :) I also was able to see their house for the first time in Franklin. Ashley is a UGA kindred sprit who was an intern with me at Vanderbilt. Her kind and generous friendship got me through many a day in Nashville.

Bo was so good during our lunch!

Spending time at my grandmother's farm was so nice! I forgot how loud my life is. The country was serene and such a nice time of retreat. Being in Franklin is always so fun because it is like a quaint movie set. We had such a sweet time of fellowship and it was nice to have my small town vacation. 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Thing #34: Here's Looking at You Kid

My time at my grandmother's was sweet and refreshing, however very cold! It was below freezing and sleeted most of the day Sunday. So I decided for an indoor new thing. I watched Casablanca for the first time. For a movie lover like myself it is a tragedy that I hadn't seen this movie until now. I really enjoyed it, and considering the year it was made and all that was going on, it is very progressive socially. I think the way to my heart would be for a Humphrey Bogart like guy to say "Here's looking at you kid." 

I have decided that as part of this new thing I am going to watch every movie which won best picture for each year. I got this idea at an Oscar Party I went to and now I'm going to do it!

Here are some pictures of how pretty it was Friday and Saturday!

spring calves

so green!

pretty red buds

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Thing #33: Going Back To Nashville

No, Nashville was not the new thing, but the reasons I went back were! Saturday morning I was able to eat brunch with my cousin Martha Carol, her husband Dave, daughter Anna, and I got to meet my cousin Jack. Eating brunch at the Puffy Muffin is a tradition of ours, and this time we had a new comer! Jack is such a precious baby and has such a sweet disposition. Being around this family actual puts ideas in my head that I want kids one day which is impressive :)

Jack and Martha Carol

sweet Anna

"I play with Jack sometimes because he likes me." -Anna

I also attended the wedding of my precious friend Pam. Again, weddings are not a new thing for me, but I figure this is my first, and last, time at this friends wedding!

beautiful bride

love these girls

my precious friend Val who I don't get to see often enough

It was a fun reunion with Vanderbilt interns. I miss these girls so much!

Friday, April 11, 2008

New Thing #32: Hot Pink Snake Skin

I have had these new things for a while, but today was their debut. Today I wore my new hot pink, faux snake skin ballet flats! I always play the "I can't pull those off card" and then I end up missing out on wearing really fun things. Well that is what this year is all about right, trying new things :) A special thanks to Rebecca for encouraging me to buy them! 

Another new thing is that today as I am traveling to Nashville for my friend Pam's wedding I will be of age when renting a car. It may seem silly to you, but not to me who has had to pay exorbitant fees every time I have had to rent a car because I am not "of age." I think this is my last "of age" milestone, at least until I am able to receive the senior citizen discount which is pretty far away.

I will post pictures of my travels and even though I won't be able to post I will be trying new things I promise! 

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Thing #31: Would Rather Not Be an Adult

I take it all back. All the talk of feeling like an adult or eluding to the fact that I wanted to be an adult is null and void. I came home last night to realize that my brand new road bike I received for Christmas and my birthday was missing. Come to realize it had been missing since Sunday but my family thought I had it. Someone broke into our house and stole my road bike! So today, my least favorite new thing happened, I had to file a police report. They didn't take me seriously for the most part, although they did bring out a detective and the crime-lab which I appreciate, they pretty much told me it is gone. No I didn't leave it outside, or lend it to a friend, or misplace it. What do these people take me for! Dealing with New Orleans finest was not the most pleasant experience, the officer didn't even know what a road bike was!!! 

"What kind of bike was it?"
"A road bike."
"Like a mountain bike?"
"No, a road bike."
"You mean a mountain bike."
"No, a road bike.
"Like that bike (pointing to a beach cruiser)?"
"Do you know what a racing bike is?"
"Never mind"

It is true the wisdom I received from a new friend--Loving this city can really hurt sometimes.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Thing #30: E equals MC squared

Tonight I went to a lecture in honor of Albert Einstein's belated birthday. Einstein's birthday is March 14 so I have no idea why the UNO Society of Physics students decided to celebrate it this week, but they did, and I got extra credit for going, so I did. The lecture was entitled "Today's Death Star: Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts: Signals of Warped Space-Time." Now say that five times fast. It actually was a very interesting lecture, being that I have a secret love for astronomy. I don't think anyone really knows that about me, but I do. When I was little my dream job was an astronaut. How that relates to public health I will never know. All in all, it was a painless experience with both personal and academic benefits, i.e. bonus points :)

gamma ray bursts are caused by exploding stars. now tell me that is not amazing.

the belated birthday boy himself

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Thing #29: Which of These Things Is Not Like the Other

Now I know you are all singing that Sesame Street song in your head after reading that title. Tonight I decided to take the Mensa online test. It is imperative that everyone know on their site that this is just for fun and in no way is an I.Q. test or indicative of your entry or rejection into Mensa. Pretty much like the title states the questions are related to word games, patterns, and number sequences and which thing does or doesn't belong with the others. The score is irrelevant but they did tell me I may do well on the actual Mensa test, which is an I.Q test, which I took sometime in 2nd grade which I have no desire to know the results!. Try the test for yourself!

New Thing #28: As Seen On TV

Monday night I decided to become a product analyst and use an "As Seen on TV Product". I remember as a kid being mesmerized about these elusive products that could only be purchased on television, and dreamed of the day that I would be old enough to call in and order. Well now it is not so glamourous because they have whole stores devoted to these products or in my case you can just buy them at Walgreens.

I purchased the PedEgg Professional. The ultimate foot file for smooth, beautiful feet. Or better known as a cheese grater for your feet to put it bluntly. I must admit at first I was not impressed and didn't think that the product worked that well. It took a long time for little results. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this morning because my feet were much smoother! I will give this PedEgg a chance. Please check out the RIDICULOUS infomercial: PedEgg 

If there are any other products you would like me to test let me know!

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Thing #27 Officially a Louisianian

This Sunday I attended my first crawfish boil. Believe me, I have been to a boil. With most of my friends in college being from Savannah I have experienced many low country boils, but here in Louisiana it is done differently. Crawfish instead of shrimp, tobasco sauce and cajun seasoning galore, and eating on the ground out of cardboard boxes with your fingers. Now this is what I call classy. 

I remember the day last year when I had to turn over my Georgia license to the Louisiana DMV. I felt like I was moving to another country and having to denounce my citizenship. Although Georgia will always be on my mind, (sorry I know that was cheesy) I am at home here. This is where my heart is and where I am supposed to be. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

New Thing #26 Officially an Adult

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am officially an adult. Saturday for the first time I did my own taxes. I agree with you that it is ridiculous that I have never done them before, but I haven't so it made for an educational new thing. It's funny, even though I am 25 I still don't view myself as an adult. In my mind I am still 21 or so, and in the eyes of others I am often mistaken as a teenager or young college co-ed (the worst was two years ago when they didn't think I was old enough to sit in an exit row, the requirement is 15, come on people). 

With that said I feel like Saturday was my right of passage into adulthood. No, not turning 21, being able to vote or purchase alcohol, not having a job, not being considered financially independent by the federal government for 3 years now, not being on my own health insurance, no none of these things make me feel like an adult, just taxes. 

Ironically, and in good taste with me not acting like an adult whatsoever, I will be using my return for my Europe trip this summer. Now that's the Lauren I know :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Thing #25 "What kind of bear is best?"

Yes, for this 25th new thing in this 25th year of trying new things I wrote a fan letter to a celebrity. This celebrity was none other than John Krasinski, better known to you and I as Jim Halpert. I included a picture to be autographed, and I have read that he actually returns letters. If I get an autograph in return you will definitely be reading about it here. I have a scanned copy of the letter but I will not be posting it. For mine and John's eyes only :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Thing #24 Put Me In Coach

                                        Boudreaux D. Nutria 

                           Caitlin and her "catfish boat"
Happy Birthday Caitlin! As seen on the score board at Zephyr Field :)

It is surprising with my affection for baseball and the number of games I have attended that I have never been to an Opening Day. Well I fixed that tonight, complete with $1 beers, a catfish boat, and fireworks to end the night. It was a fabulous time and I hope we go again!

P.S. The cupcakes turned out tasty and delightful 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Thing #23 Organic is as Organic Does

So Caitlin's birthday is tomorrow and I decided to make cupcakes. This evening again, turned out to be a "If you give a mouse a cookie..." situation. I seem to have a lot of these.

I needed to go to a grocery store close to my house. I chose Whole Foods. I enter whole foods only to realize that they have cake mix, but no frosting in a can, apparently they don't make an organic version. So I have this internal debate on the baked goods aisle about making icing from scratch, is it worth it? Should I just go to Winn-Dixie? So I decided to jump in. I purchased organic cake mix, and organic ingredients to mix in with it. I also bought organic powdered sugar, heavy cream, and butter for the icing. To make it chocolate I also purchased all natural cocoa (which was $8.99!). Then to top it off I wanted sprinkles. Sprinkles do not exist in the organic world, here they are called "party decoratifs". Who knew. Also I even used 100% natural, biodegradable cupcake liners. The name of the company was "If You Care", how patronizing and guilt causing is that?

Needless to say it was a fun experience and the icing is amazing if I do say so my self. I will let you all know what my critics say tomorrow. I am proud of myself for proving that it is is possible to make 100% organic cupcakes, vanilla with chocolate frosting, AND sprinkles (I mean decoratifs) if you put your mind to it. 

New Thing #22 April Fools Lulu Had Kittens

No really, she did! Much to my delight when I got home from work on Tuesday there were kittens!!! Not one, not two, not three...okay I will stop...but FIVE! Yes, our sweet, precious, stray Lulu that we adopted was pregnant. We were waiting and waiting and waiting for days for those kittens. I came in just after the last one was born. I was sad that I missed the births but I did get to see the whole placenta, after-birth goodness, the process of biting off the umbilical cord and all that birth experience stuff. I witnessed the afterbirth experience and held newborn kittens! This is the first time I have seen anytime of newborn animal, besides a human of course. All of the kittens are different, much to my mom's disbelief, but they are! I have been waiting for this new thing FOREVER and I'm so glad it came!

New Thing #21 A Green Thumb in a Green Room

Monday I was sequestered in my room all day studying for my Physics test. Literally, I was in my room studying all day for around 10 hours coming out for breaks and distractions. I decided that after I finished studying half of the chapters I would pot my new purple shamrock plant that Caitlin gave me for my birthday. Well this, like many things in my life, turned into what I like to call a "If you give a mouse a cookie..." situation. If you haven't read that book you should.

Anyway, the plant was on my desk. That past weekend my aunt bought me a beautiful green pot, to match my green room, and some potting soil. Which in my messy dysfunctional way kept in my bedroom. So I decided I was going to pot my plant. I was going to go outside but it was raining. Inside, okay, well I didn't have a shovel or trowel. Also I would have to drag everything out of my room so for some reason I thought it was more logical to stay put. So, I potted a plant in the middle of my bedroom. There was dirt everywhere. When I finally got the plant potted I decided to water it in my room which also created a mess. All of these said messes I cleaned up afterward but I realized just how ridiculous I can be. In trying to simply things I make them very complicated and most of the time amusing, at least to me :)

New Thing #20 November Echo Whiskey

Sunday I used one of the suggestions from another person who did this whole "new thing everyday" thing. I memorized the military alphabet! Food for thought, it is also known as the NATO alphabet and is used in all languages, in all countries to send information to sent information to the cockpit crew with fewer mistakes. I think before looking you should try to guess what all the letters stand for!


Yes I typed this without looking, and yay for the New Orleans Zulu shout out :)

New Thing #19 Telephone the New Fashioned Way

Saturday I had the privilege of using Skype for the first time. I talked to my precious friend Jenn Price all the way in Niger! Wow, technology is awesome. I was able to hear her sweet voice thanks to the built in microphone in my Mac. Now she needs to get one so we can video chat! I think that Skype might be the greatest invention yet. She is doing well and I can't wait to hear more updates. 
my dear friend that I miss

jenn in Niger

"This Day is Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"

That evening I also attended the History of Medicine Society banquet. This took place in some fancy schmancy room in the World Trade Center in New Orleans overlooking the Mississippi River. Very good food, and my first time having Bananas Foster. I know how can I be a true New Orleanian without having had this fabulous dessert? To this question I answer I don't know and thank goodness I have been indoctrinated. 

New Thing #18 Babies Don't Eat Cell Phones

Conversation at approximately 11:00 p.m. last Friday night, March 28

Lauren: "Oh no! I haven't done anything new today!"
Nick: "Yes you have, you fed a baby a cell phone."

Although Jonathan posted on my facebook wall "Babies don't eat cell phones. That is nonsense." my Razor, may it rest in peace, would woefully disagree. While trying to calm one screaming child, the aforementioned baby decided that my phone was a teething ring. I thought this was okay because it kept him occupied. Little did I know that at the exact moment I would need to get the parents number out to call them to console their crying child that my phone would no longer turn on. My great idea of letting the baby play with my cell phone turned into a disaster. In fact, I think you could say it was mangled. The phone was so wet that the keys made buzzing noises and the SIM card was bending because of the slobber. I tried to dry it out to no avail. I did need a new cell phone, maybe this was the motivation I needed.