Friday, May 9, 2008

New Thing #60: Susie Homemaker

I resist domestication. I don't cook very well, I don't know how to sew, I'm not good at ironing, I have no eye for decoration. The only thing I am remotely good at is cleaning and that happens less frequently than it should. One of my rules in this "new thing" journey is that I can't say no, well can't say no to most things. My mom said that before I went away to college I would learn to sew on a button. I didn't. Then it was before you move to do your Dietetic Internship. I didn't. Try three, before I moved for graduate school. I didn't.

Thursday morning as I was leaving to go to the airport and decided to go say goodbye to the kittens. In true Lauren fashion I clumsily fell over a box, which resulted in buttons popping off the front of the skirt I was wearing and me lying on the floor being climbed on by kittens.

So today, I sucked it up and allowed my mom to teach me how to sew on a button. I should consider this her Mother's Day present she has been trying to teach me this for so long. Yes, I know this is ridiculous that I have never done this before, but this is what this year is all about. She made me complete the task by myself and I did a good job if I do say so :). Now, I'm not saying this will occur on a regular basis, but I feel like I am one step closer to semi-domestication. As my mom says, I have another "life skill."


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