My best friend Corinne goes to UGA and has mentioned this documentary to me several times. I didn't really know what it was about until recently, and so yesterday I came across someone else I knew who had seen the film so I decided to check it out.
Darius is a 15 year old from Athens, GA and has Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), the number one killer of children with a genetic disease, and the disease that killed his older brother. The documentary, Darius Goes West, is the story of his trip across America with an ultimate goal of getting his wheelchair customized on MTV's Pimp My Ride. The documentary has won numerous film awards, but what touched me most about the story is that the film makers, along with Darius, have decided to donate all proceeds of DVD sales to go towards prevention and a cure for DMD.
Just watching the trailer I was blessed and moved. So, today I helped fight DMD. I can't wait to watch the DVD and you should definitely check out the website
I love this quote from the website: "With unflinching humor, the gift of gab, and unwavering determination, Darius leads his crew towards excitement, brotherhood, and the knowledge that life, even when imperfect, is always worth the ride."

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