Those of you who know me know that I like lists, tasks, and completion. This spills over into all areas of my life. This weekend I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie with my family. I then quickly realized that I had never seen the Indiana Jones trilogy in full. I know, what kind of 80's child am I. I had seen parts of all of them but never any of them all the way through.
So, in one day, I watched the entire Indiana Jones trilogy. Productive way to spend Memorial Day I know. It started at midnight watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark with some guys from church. Followed by The Last Crusade Monday afternoon with my Aunt, yes out of order, and then Monday night Temple of Doom. So now that list is complete, all 4 Indy's under my belt. I can officially be called a child of the 80's again.

i forgot how good looking this man was
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