Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Thing #19 Telephone the New Fashioned Way

Saturday I had the privilege of using Skype for the first time. I talked to my precious friend Jenn Price all the way in Niger! Wow, technology is awesome. I was able to hear her sweet voice thanks to the built in microphone in my Mac. Now she needs to get one so we can video chat! I think that Skype might be the greatest invention yet. She is doing well and I can't wait to hear more updates. 
my dear friend that I miss

jenn in Niger

"This Day is Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!"

That evening I also attended the History of Medicine Society banquet. This took place in some fancy schmancy room in the World Trade Center in New Orleans overlooking the Mississippi River. Very good food, and my first time having Bananas Foster. I know how can I be a true New Orleanian without having had this fabulous dessert? To this question I answer I don't know and thank goodness I have been indoctrinated. 

1 comment:

Kay said...

Hey I love the "try something new blog!" Its about time you catch up with the older generation!I was using skype 2 years ago as a means to keep in touch with Erin in France and it is wonderful. I have learned about the "Magic Jack" "from Clark Howard.If you dont know what that is, that can be your next new thing.Keep blogging!

Love You!