My time at my grandmother's was sweet and refreshing, however very cold! It was below freezing and sleeted most of the day Sunday. So I decided for an indoor new thing. I watched Casablanca for the first time. For a movie lover like myself it is a tragedy that I hadn't seen this movie until now. I really enjoyed it, and considering the year it was made and all that was going on, it is very progressive socially. I think the way to my heart would be for a Humphrey Bogart like guy to say "Here's looking at you kid."

I have decided that as part of this new thing I am going to watch every movie which won best picture for each year. I got this idea at an Oscar Party I went to and now I'm going to do it!
Here are some pictures of how pretty it was Friday and Saturday!
spring calves
so green!
pretty red buds
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