Today I went rock climbing again. I am really enjoying being able to do more difficult climbs each time. Mind you this is indoors but I like it just the same! Anyway, today while rock climbing I tried G2 for the first time. We have had it in our fridge for weeks so I finally decided to see what all the hype was about. As a nutritionist I feel like I need to fully analyze this product so I apologize for you having to read this. It is a low calorie hydrator for athletes "off the field" (hence the pun of "off the wall" :) The website has all this mumbo jumbo about how scientific research shows that properly flavored beverages with electrolytes encourage drinking, whatever properly flavored beverages mean I have no idea. I do like it though because it only has 70 calories per bottle, much less than regular gatorade which kids drink like water. It still has 28 grams of sugar, and is apparently a marketing scheme for PepsiCo to make more money, but I will give it the Lauren Futrell, RD, LDN seal of approval.

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