Tonight I went to a lecture in honor of Albert Einstein's belated birthday. Einstein's birthday is March 14 so I have no idea why the UNO Society of Physics students decided to celebrate it this week, but they did, and I got extra credit for going, so I did. The lecture was entitled "Today's Death Star: Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts: Signals of Warped Space-Time." Now say that five times fast. It actually was a very interesting lecture, being that I have a secret love for astronomy. I don't think anyone really knows that about me, but I do. When I was little my dream job was an astronaut. How that relates to public health I will never know. All in all, it was a painless experience with both personal and academic benefits, i.e. bonus points :)

gamma ray bursts are caused by exploding stars. now tell me that is not amazing.

the belated birthday boy himself
Combo! (Then scream and laugh into a pillow)ha ha. Love it.
Unfortunate side effect of watching American Idol on Mariah Carey night:
Thinking this blog entry was going to somehow be about Mariah Carey.
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