Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Thing #52: 7 Dresses

While vegging out after my test today, I watched 27 Dresses with my Aunt. Every time someone mentions that movie, they tell me I sound just like it and I am that movie. Well, no I'm not Katherine Hiegl, and thank goodness I don't have a sister like that, but more often than not I sat there listening to quotes that I have said or heard, or personality aspects that mirror my life...

-I probably have 7 dresses, not 27 
-Every wedding I have been in the bride says: 
"What's so great about this dress is you can wear it again"
-I have helped many a bride go to the bathroom in her dress
-I have a complete inability to say no to people
-My favorite part of weddings is looking at the groom's face as the bride walks down the aisle
-I often spend time looking at other people's happiness and memories instead of making my own!

Don't get me wrong, I love all my friends, their weddings, and it was an honor to be in them, but I also love empathizing with film and literary characters :) Cheesy romantic comedy yes, but at the heart of it truth. Here's to enjoying my friends, but making my own memories! 


Some of the dresses from the pictures I had on this computer. As you can see my friends have been much nicer in their choices than in the movie!

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