Saturday, May 3, 2008

New Thing #54: Cats and Dogs

A few weeks ago around our Cat Compound we had an incident. Bravo and Wednesday got out and Bravo was gone for three days, returning 4 hours after we plastered the neighborhood with 50 "LOST FAMILY CAT" posters. This escape warranted a trip to the vet to get shots. Now I have been to the vet many times with our dogs, and let me tell you I had no idea the distinct difference between cats and dogs. 

This morning I helped my Aunt take our three cats to the vet. Bravo, our most loving cat, turned into a vicious, angry animal making noises I have never heard before. The processed involved catching him in a net, sedation, micro-chipping, and sedation reversal. Boots and Wednesday were gold star patients and didn't make a sound. Their older brother, however I think will go down in the books for bad behavior at that vet. I have grown to love these cats as my own, and felt like an embarrassed mother who had a child that lashed out irrationally. All in all, no one was traumatized permanently, and I had a lesson on cat vs. dog fundamentals. 


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