Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Thing #62: PostSecret

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project in which people mail their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. 

It is interesting to me that people all over will write their deepest, darkest secrets on a postcard, send it into a person who manages this blog, and have them displayed on the internet for strangers to read. The website is very intriguing and you should check it out here. Postcards sent in are both telling and moving. All are extremely creative and every once in a while you will find one to empathize with.

My question is if people can actually figure out if they know people who sent them in. Well, here is your chance. I sent a postcard into PostSecret, and you can try and figure out which one is mine :) 


Kirsten said...

I always wonder how many of us imagine that the person who sent the postcard is talking directly to us...

Renee Crosby said...

interesting site!