Friday, May 30, 2008

New Thing #81: Blueberry Goodbyes

Friday was a bittersweet day of being excited for friends with new opportunities. It marked the last night that Caitlin, Nick, Tom and I hung out. After being inseparable since October this was a sad occasion. We went to the Zephyr's game, markedly the most boring baseball game I have ever been to, and I LOVE baseball. Afterwards included Wendy's and St. Joe's bar for blueberry mojitoes. Our friend Grace, who was moving to DC this past weekend was having a goodbye shindig. So we all celebrated these fabulous people while being very sad that they are leaving New Orleans. The next morning we took Tom to the airport for one last goodbye before he flew to Boston to start residency in July. Followed by an IHOP breakfast to console ourselves, because in the words of Caitlin, "We lost a good friend today." 

caitlin and her man tyson
rocking the back seat
dear friend grace who is moving to dc
the four together one last time

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